Wellesley Health



In this section, we will publish commentary from Wellesley residents and stakeholders who are concerned about the impact of the proposed change in town government on the public's health and well-being.  If you are interested in commenting and contributing to these efforts, please go to our "contact us" web page.

Read  this position paper entitled "WELLESLEY BOARD of HEALTH Statement in Opposition to the Special Act Question" on how the Special Act will impact public health, how it conflicts with Massachusetts General Laws, and how it separates the involvement of it residents from the public health services they receive.

Excerpts from this article

"The Special Act undermines the ability of the Board of Health to carry out its responsibilities and powers mandated under Massachusetts General Laws by stripping the Board of its direct management and supervision of the Health Department staff, who have traditionally served as its “health agents.”

"Since only the duly elected Board of Health has the jurisdictional authority as granted by the Commonwealth to enforce public health laws, the proposed town government plan leaves the Board with no health agent employees, and the Health Department employees with no jurisdictional authority."

"A hired town manager with no public health knowledge, skills or aptitude should NOT be managing and supervising the Health Department."